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Monday, August 08, 2011

Whats news in Swansea today?

Swansea stars of tomorrow take centre stage 
MORE than 20 talented children from Swansea schools have scooped places on a national stage recognising their performing talents.

The talented youngsters from Swansea Council have won places in top Welsh choirs and orchestras as well as dance and theatre groups.

The youngsters will be able to take up their places with some support of Swansea Council.

Mike Day, Cabinet Member for Education, said: "This is great news. Swansea has a wealth of musical and performing arts talent and the success of this latest group of young people proves that we are helping produce the next generation of Welsh stars.

"I would like to congratulate the young people, their teachers and their parents for all the hard work they've put in so far and wish them well for the future."

In all Swansea can now boast seven students in the National Youth Orchestra of Wales, eight in the National Youth Choir and Training Choir of Wales, three students in the National Youth Jazz Wales, two in National Youth Dance Wales, one student in the National Youth Theatre and another in National Brass Band of Wales.

In a letter to the Council Gareth Pierce, Chief Executive of the WJEC said: "This represents a significant achievement for these talented young people, their local teachers, local music/theatre and dance services and the unitary authority.

"WJEC expresses its thanks and appreciation to Swansea Council for its continuing support and for its high regard of National Youth Arts Wales activities, events and services."
We say that Swansea is certainly retaining it's well earned reputation for producing top rate young performers, many who are going on to careers in acting, dance and music. It is good to see that there is such an interest in subjects a school outside those that are purely academic. With such a wealth of talent of all ages we should all be taking advantage of the many productions and shows throughout Swansea. An opportunity to  forget the TV and slip into a world of imagination, suspense, excitement and glamour.

Libraries urge children to find their inner Dylan

BOOK experts say libraries are perfect places for children to seek inspiration and follow in the footsteps of Swansea's most famous son.

Swansea Council library bosses are urging children to enter the first ever Finding Dylan competition and make their own mark on the literary world.

The competition is now open and is aimed at all of Swansea's year six children who have just left primary school.

Children are asked to write an essay, poem or diary of no more than 1,000 words on any of the following subjects: My Summer, My Team, My Swansea or My Wales.

Swansea Council is behind the competition in association with the University of Wales Dylan Thomas Prize.

Steve Hardman, Swansea Council's Head of Library Services, said: "Children can use libraries as inspiration for their competition entries by accessing a variety of books, poems and information about Dylan Thomas as well as examples of his work.

"Our libraries also have seating areas where children can sit, think and write and we hope the competition will inspire children to think imaginatively about the place they live.

"Swansea is a very vibrant city and the themes of the competition allow children to base their writing around their own experiences. The competition also gives children the opportunity to base their story in fact or fiction and, if they need some inspiration, then their local library is a great place start."

Finding Dylan is being supported by Travel House and the winner will pick up a family break to Disneyland in Paris.

Entries can be submitted in hand-written or email form but must be in by September 5 this year.

A short-list will then be announced in mid-October before the winner is unveiled at a special ceremony on November 9.

Have a look at for application details.
We say with the age of screen based learning we should all encourage kids and teenagers to read more and to write too. Poetry and short story writing helps us communicate our feelings and gets the creative juices flowing. What is life about if you can't sit down with your children and worrk on something just that bit different. And I bet you will learn something about each other that you didn't know before. Give it a try

We'd love you to comment on these issues or any other. 

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